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Learn to Code and Launch Your iOS App

Inspire Idaho (InspireID) was created by Innovation Collective, the University of Idaho and partners across the state. Madison Economic Partners, the City of Rexburg, the University of Idaho Madison Extension Office and the Research Business Development Center are partnering to bring the InspireID app development program to Madison County.

InspireID will be held in Rexburg, at the Rexburg City Hall the fourth Thursday of every month starting on September 27, 2018. The class will start at 6:00 pm and go to 7:00 pm. You must be registered to attend. An application link is to the right.

How InspireID Works

After much hard work, we’re now ready to launch! Madison Economic Partners is proud to announce the start of its 2018 classes focused on app development. We’re excited to feature Apple Inc’s Everyone Can Code curriculum as the basis for our coursework.


Starting this September trained experts from around the country will provide guidance and support to residents residing in or near the Madison County Extension Offices for the duration of a nine-month program. Any Idahoan can apply, and at no cost. We can even help with a laptop if that’s an obstacle.


After successfully completing Apple’s curriculum, students can take their newfound knowledge back to their workplace or even start their own app companies. We anticipate citizens will be eager to find ways to access the trillion-dollar application economy!

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